I've been home now almost a week
hey yall, i love you and think you are the best. Last thursday on the 4th i got home from the mission. When i got off the airplane and came through the gate and saw my family it was sooo sooo surreal. the whole experience was ultra surreal. like, i felt like i was watching a movie of me getting off the airplane. Everyone was hugging me and crying and i was like "whaaat where am i??" afterwards we went to president Johnson's house and we had a short talk about goals and retaining good mission habits, and then all of a sudden he looks at me very seriously and says "Elder Grilliot, I am officially relieving you from your service as a full time missionary, please remove your name tags." and i took them off. very very very surreal. That is the best word for it all, surreal. Now i'm home in Illinois with my family that i love and i've been able to see my friends from high school and it's been a good time. Coming home from the mission was not what i expe...