2019 is gonna be a good one
Okay ladies and gents. let me just tell you that 2018 was a good year and we are all grateful for him and the good things he did for us, but we are all happy that he is gone too, because 2019 is coming up hot and man alive he is a good one.
we started off the new year with a blassst. we got invited to eat dinner with a few different members to celebrate with them. and we were going to go but then elder stevenson was feeling kind of sick and so we went back to the house and played monopoly instead. and when 12pm came around we began to hear loads and loads of pops and bangs outside of the house. In mexico, kind of like in america, the custom is just to blow everything up as soon as new years hits. in mexico they shoot guns into the air. i ran to the porch to look out the window and man! there were soo many fireworks and gunshots and it was really pretty wonderful.
i don´t know why but i got kind of emotional. like, i felt like all of mexico was just shouting in gratitude. like, whenever i see fireworks i kind of imagine that it´s an expression of gratitude. and the new years celebration seemed like kind of a type of hossana. Everyone was just so happy to have recieved a new year. and everyone is screaming and shouting as if they just knew that it would be the best year ever. I feel like god just loves them all so much
anyway well i´m thinking about that, and then i turn around to show elder stevenson the fireworks, and he´s in the room on his bed, "i threw up" he tells me. lol poor thing. so elder stevenson started the year by puking a bit. can´t be a good sign. haha
it was actually a pretty hard week for elder stevenson. I mentioned last week that we got a cat. yes it is true. We saved the mortal life of a small animal. and sometimes we really regret it.
when we found the cat it really was going to die. i´m not exagerrating or rationalizing that. i´m certain that if we had not saved it, it would have died, probably the same day.
we found him in a park. he is like 1 month old. he had gotte3n hit by a bike earlier the same day and his legs got jacked up and he couldn´t move his hind legs. there were some mean little kids that were "playing with it" and we were moved with compasion and we took it home. while i was walking with it in my arms, i actually stopped a few times to check for a pulse, because seriously, it looked like it was about to die. we got him home and we put him in a box and tried to give him a little bit of food, and he was able to eat, we said a prayer and then left to go work.
the cat is a lot better now. he can walk and everything. but look at this, the cat has an itchy curse. if you touch him too much, or if you are near him, you start to feel really itchy. I gave him a flea shower, because i thought that it might have been a bug that he had. he REALLY hated the shower. but it didn´t work. so we kicked him out side onto the porch. he´s all better now, so we want to get rid of him.
We had cambios today, i knew what was going to happen because president had pretty much told me. i mentioned to him in an email that i would like to stay in this area, and he talked to me about it and said that in special cases he let´s missionaries make requests like that, so i asked him to stay another 6 weeks and he told me that it would be alright. i love this area and i love elder stevenson. I also prayed a lot about the decision and i felt really strongly that it was correct.
On saturday two very cool people got baptized.
April and Daniela. they are suuper converted. they have sacrificed a lot to be able to get baptized and to repent and live the commandments, and have really shown a lot of faith. we always feel the spirit a lot when we are with them. organizing the baptism was actually a pretty stressfull proccess because we didn´t have that much help from the ward but it turned out just fine and the spirit was really sweet and testified that they had made the right choice.
2019 is going to be a wonderful year everyone! love you all and hope that you do all the things you said you were gonna do.
love elder grilliot
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