Mmm man I'm hungry (New Area/New Companion Bosque in Gomez Palacio with Elder Osorio)

me and my comp got sick on saturday i think, and i threw up and i didn`t eat very much after that and i haven`t had much of an appetite and now i`m super hungry but my new comp, Elder Osorio, from yucatan, we had cambios, he is talking to his mom on video chat and i`m waiting for him to get off so we can eat together 

we had cambios, Elder Stevenson stayed in nuevo linares, and Elder esparza, my old comp is coming in with him, i left and came to bosque in gomez palacio, with Elder Osorio, he is from yucatan. i think that is poetic because i`m getting to have my first and last áreas be both in gomez palacio, which i love, and my first and last companions are both from yucatan. real special. bosque has the reputation of being one of the best áreas in the mission. and so i am hoping to work really hard during this time with Elder Osorio and have a lot of success with him.


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