it's been wild

 la familia vazquez

the cursed cat

 a cute dog we found

just a handsome guy

man, so this week we saw a doctor about the itchy curse that the cat gave us. he said that it´s a fungal infection similar to ringworm. he gave us pills for the itching, and a cream that kills the fungus. we are using both of those and i think it is going away but it is kind of slow. we also washed our sheets and blankets and put them all in the sun to dry. it´s been kind of awful. elder stevenson has been getting kind of discouraged and we are suuuper tired because we have not been able to sleep very well because of the itching. but it´s getting better. i think i´ll sleep a lot better tonight. but it´s been rough honestly. we have banished the cat from our porch and our crazy neighbor lady has taken her into her hut. we can´t see the cat in there, but we can hear it crying through her other news, i´m an uncle x3! my sister renae had a baby! his name is cash, he is healthy and good, his birthday is january 10th, one day before my sister sarah{s birthday.
aslllso! i think i´m really good at monopoly. all of my life i have been really bad at monopoly. and everyone always beat the heck aout of me. but in the last couple weeks, me and some other elders have been playing monopoly every once in a while, we played this morning. and man i am a lot better at monopoly than i used to be.
oh another thing, elder sandoval has suddenly become super excited to go to the gym. he says that the holy spirit whispered to him and told him to become a jiujitsu champion. so all of a sudden we are all going to the gym again, which i´m happy about, and elder sandoval has asked me to be his trainer, and once the ringworm goes away he will start to teach me juijitsu, he used to be really good at it before the mission, and has won several tournaments, and he wants to train and become a world champion after his mission. elder sandoval has an uncounquerable spirit.


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