Love for Days

just a side note, the spooky house behind the church? i met the guy who owns that property. he was kind of different, like a reallly skinny old guy with a beard and reaaaally long hair. and he says that he likes to go hunting and has all that cow stuff back there for sport. he also told us that he is the government official in charge of tourism in chaves. lol wut. and he wants to run some potery classes or something in the church building. he seemed like a normal weird guy, and i´m pretty sure that he is not a witch.

OH hey something super funny that happened yesterday, we were sitting with our investigatores in church and we were watching the primary presentation where all the kids get up and sing in sacrememnt meeting and share thoughts about christmas and christ. and this one kid, he´s like 5 years old, he gets up in front of everyone and says, "and santaclause doesn´t exist, only jesus christ, and he loves us, in the name of jesus christ, amen." and he just gets down off the pulpit and walks off, like so proud of himself. I know that his mom is actively teaching him to not believe in santa, it was just crazy to hear it over the pulpit from a five year old boy. hahaha

things are moving forward with the work here in nuevo linares, i see it kind of as my sprint because i´m very likely going to have cambios in like, 3 weeks, so these are my last weeks to work in this area. I´ve really loved nuevo linares.

Elder Grilliot


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