love you all from mexico

Bus at night
 On the City Bus with Elder Parra
 Reading my Scriptures wrapped in a Blanket
I had a dream the other night. last night. There was a lot of parts that i don´t remember but i do remember that i was chilling out in this really nice fancy living room. And i looked out the window and there was this big very green hill, it was really pretty. And there were a bunch of people walking down the hill and they all looked really happy. And i opened the window and yelled out to them, "I love you all!" and I laughed.

hna iris
man let me tell yall about hna iris, she has had a tough life. She was born in nicaragua, she ran away from home when she was 14 years old, she has 9 brothers and sisters, something like that, her family is huge. She swore and oath that her parents would never see her again, got on a plane to mexico city and now she has grandkids and everything and she is still going good on her oath to never see her parents again.
She was introduced to church by the missionaries when she was about 15 and was baptized.
One of her children was murdered about three years ago. She spiraled into a depression, stopped going to church, and hasn´t been the same since.
She really opened up to us, she has gone through a lot of junk. One of her difficulties is that she doesn´t know how to read. She is a really dilligent and talented cook and has been offered really good positions in some fancy resteraunts but she had to turn these jobs down because she does not know how to read. She is really excited to learn and we are trying to organize some of the hnas in the ward to help her out.

This week when i took the sacrement i really felt and remembered the sacrifice that jesus christ made for me, I know that these feelings came because i prayed for them. This week i have really been praying for more faith, because of the scripture in alma 5:12 that says   "And according to his faith there was a mighty change wrought in his heart. Behold I say unto you that this is all true."  (alma 5 is my very favorite chapter in the book of mormon)
I read that and i thought, oh my gosh. How powerful. Many times i have asked my self, how i can change my heart? be better and have a greater desire to be better? how i can feel the right things? 
According to my faith there will be a mighty change wrought in my heart. And so i have been applying the scripture this week, and i can tell you that it is true. I´m doing all the things that i normally do, praying, teaching, and reading the scriptures, but this week i have tried to do it all with more faith. And that is why the sacrement was so meaningful this week.

Love you guys, 
Elder Grilly


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