wow here i am

wow here i am
man i´m kind of bummed out. the zone leaders just called us with some goofy news. we had cambios yesterday and everthing went really well and elder lugo came with me and just now we got the call and they told us that we are going to have emergency cambios. Elder Lugo is going to durango, and another elder is coming down here. elder librado. it´s just like what happened to me 6 months ago.

last week me and elder quiroz celebrated the birthday of brayan. he was so so happy. we bought him a cake and some marbles and wrote him a card. i don´t think he had ever had a birthday like that before. he seemed so grateful and that was really satisfying. because he didn´t expect it at all. This week we have to prepare everthing for the baptism of brayan. i´m a little stressed about it because we don´t have that much time and with cambios and emergency cambios it´s a little bit complicated. 
love you guys. we didn´t have time to write yesterday because of cambios so they told us that we could write today.

oh hey also i had some really freaky dreams this week. i had one dream where i was goku. and i fought a dragon or something. anyway. have a great week all you people.

Oh!! also! just to keep you all informed on my time progress of the mission, This week i will complete 18 months in the mission. I only have 6 months left. That feels very strange. Some times i think about going home and i feel excited, some times i feel nervous. but yeah, 6 months left. 

love all you people and i will send you some hot pics.

happy birthday brayan!
a handsome man in the church
a handsome companion looking at his camera
a handsome man taking selfies
a handsome district meeting, elder lugo is going to durango


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