here we go yall

me at that weird church activity when the ladies danced like babies. you can see some of the ladies there in the back. You can also see how small the room was where they danced.

man it´s been a wild time. I have a lot to tell you guys.

mexico week
this week we had the day of independence of mexico. it´s the 16th. we had a cool church activity celebrating it. There are two branches here in chaves, some investigators of ours went to the activity of the other branch so we went to sit with them. and then next week our branch will have there activity. We are going to try to invite people in all the houses that are close to the church. 
Also, we are in charge of another branch called purisima, it´s way out in the middle of nowhere and it´s a really small rancho town. We have to hitchhike to get out there. I´m actually saving a lot of money in this area because we almost never take buses, we do almost everything through the power of hitchhiking.
The mexico day activity that we had in purisma was honestly the weirdest church activity that i´ve ever been to. and it was the first time that i had ever been to that branch. We showed up to the activity and we had an investigator who was a 14 year old kid with us. and we go in and we find something like 6 old ladies sitting around talking, and they are seated in a small classroom. and we pull up our chairs and i talk with brayan our investigator, and he is really energetic, really friendly and has no idea what is going on or why he is there. And he asks me if i have ever seen a waterfall, and i´m like, "uh yeah actually one time, have you ever seen a waterfall?" and he thinks for a second, "no..,." and then he brightens up "but there is a canal by my house!" and then he starts telling me all about this canal by his house and how him and his friends go down there to catch fish. and they fish them with their bare hands but the fish have spikes so you can´t just grab them, you have to hook them in the mouth with your finger and then fling them into the air so that their lungs fill with air and they die. and then he told me in detail how to clean a fish, and he explained it so well that i feel like i could probably do it. 
Then an hour after the planned time, we started the activity. A few more people showed up, in total there were about 15 of us. and They brought a TON of food, like way more than we could possibly eat. And they hand out little pieces of paper with lyrics on them and they tell us, "hey we are going to sing this song okay" and everyone except me and elder quiroz knew the song from heart. It was like some mexican country love song. and they put on some music and we all sang together. and all the old ladies are yelling and laughing and "yeehawing" and it felt waaaay mexican.
and then came the weird part.
The branch president announced. "and now the relief society is going to give us their presentation" and all the old ladies got up. and one of them pulled out a whole buch of toy baby bottles attached to strings and handed them to all the sisters of the relief society, and there was not one of them under 60 years old. and all the sisters put these baby bottle necklaces around their neck. and then one of the sisters pulled out a huge baby bottle, she was the leader baby. and they put on music, like a kids song. and started to march around this classroom in a small circle. and i was like "woah what where is this going?" and then the leader baby took her big bottle and started to shake it around violently and throw a tantrum and yell and shout like a  baby. and all the other sisters just marched around her in a circle. and her tantrum grew in intensity, and she threw herself on the ground and started to kick her legs around and throw her bottle at people and make baby noises. I was a witness to all of this. It was so uncomfortably close that i couldn´t ignore what was happening. This 60-70 year old sister acted like a baby with a tantrum for about 3 minutes or so, and then the song ended, and all the sisters returned to their seats and we continued with the program. Later i asked my comp if he understood the sketch they did and he said that he was just as confused as i was.
later we ate a TON of posole which is one of my favorite mexican foods and i had really missed it in durango because they do it better in torreon, sorry durango.

i have to go but i still have lots of other things to tell you.

future content:
the story of Elder Grilliot, Chess Legend.
A heart touching story about a man who went to church with us.
how we helped clean up after someones roof collapsed.
how in ecuador, the sun rises in the west
the famous chaves hot dog buffet
also we played risk one time
and... a whole bunch of photos.

love you all!
Elder Grilliot


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