radical sabatical lunes

man let me sum up this week by just saying it was an adventure.
I´ve seen a lot of miracles this week, from really prepared people just appearing out of thin air, to investigators receiving answers in the form of dream, and me and my companion working out our differences and becoming good friends.
This week i learned about being more direct with people. sometimes it´s really necessary. We had companion (exchanges) this week with the zone leaders and i learned a lot from working with them. Elder Higgins is really direct. I think i can be way too passive with people when they are goofing up. Elder Higgins taught me how i can tell people things that they need to hear if i do it with love. I really love the agency of people. It is a very beautiful thing to help someone accomplish a goal that they want to accomplish. but it is a really ugly thing to push and force someone to do something that they don´t want to do. I´ve learned to really love helping people make decisions and then help them follow through on their decisions.

There was a really tender moment last night where we took a long bus ride out to this ranch out in the middle of nowhere and i felt the spirit testify of how much God has done to get me where i am today and i just felt super grateful. It was super peaceful.
Love you all!

Elder Grilliot


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