Snow Snow in Mexico

it snowed this week!
it hasn´t snowed here in 20 years, but this week it got really cold and it snowed all through the night on friday. 
we live above this member lady and she is really awesome and kind and she has a grand daughter who is 5 years old and her name is abby and abby´s christmas wish this year was that she would see snow, and she was soo excited and the hermana made us tacos for breakfast and we played in the snow with her granddaughter and we snowball fought and she made a little snowman, she is super cute. she sang jinglebells in english and did a little dance, all the snow had melted by like 10 o clock, but they still canceled school. 
Mexicans are a little superstitious about some health things, the bishop gave us doctor masks because he said that when you breath in cold air it goes to your lungs and gives you pnemonia, and i´m like, "dude it´s like 40 degrees, i don´t need a doctor mask". but i apreciated the thought. 
more cristmas miracles, we got gifted a lot of things this week, some lady gave us tortilla chips for no reason, a member gave us both these cool hat scarfs. and Leo, the coolest guy, the spanish engineer that we are teaching, looks at me and he is like "Grilliot are you cold?" and i´m like "yeah a little" and he just takes his scarf right off and gives it to me. wow. the next day he´s like "Grilliot how are your hands feeling?" and i´m warming them, "a little cold" and he takes a pair of gloves out of his pocket and gives them to me, and they were nice gloves! I hope everyone in spain is as gentleman and honorable and kind as Leo. It´s really needed too because i really did not expect it to get cold in mexico haha.

all in all this was a wonderful week. like a beautiful week. there were many moments this week that i just felt filled with good junk. really happy. When you serve people, you just love them. I love being a missionary, this is the most satisfiying work. i really believe that. 


Me and Leo

 me and a cute dog that would run around and stick his head out to watch us.
 me with a funny mushroom man.

 it snoowwed! the little girl is Abby, with her snowman.
 my desk, i was like "man this is really messy, i should take a picture!"


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