Ho Ho Ho from Mexico

I think i´m leaving centenario
hey elder meade is going to get a son today in the mission. So we will be in a trio for one week and then i will probably leave centenario, that makes me pretty sad because i have really loved centenario, this has been a special place to me, I´ve really had a lot of joy here. 
Today marks my 8 month mark in the mission, honestly it has gone super fast. 
We found some really wonderful people this week and made a lot of progress with our investigators, really exciting things are going on in this area and the ward is so awesome. sigh. It will be hard to leave, but i feel confident that the lord knows what he is doing and has prepared a work for me in another area. 

I learned something about repentance this week
Teaching the gospel of jesus christ is my favorite thing, like faith, repentance, and baptism, and as a missionary, you talk with alot of people about the same stuff alot, but everytime we teach it, the spirit teaches me something new.
This week i learned a little better about how to repent everyday. like, if repentance meant changing behavior, it would be hard to really dramatically change my behavior everyday, i would have to really search for little things that i could improve and punish myself for them until i am flawless.
but repentence is a change of heart first, that leads to a change in behavior. It is to humble myself before God and accept him into my life.

Elder Grilliot


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