The Lazy Letter

Good morning america, i have some words for you.
let me start general and then i will get more specific as i go, that just seems good to me right now.

generally speaking
I am an american boy who came to mexico with a dream. 
God has an army of relief society sisters that he employs to feed me and take very good care of me, often when i thank one of the sisters for a rad meal, i like to recognize that in God´s great plan for me, he included in that plan that i would eat a lot of rad meals in mexico. i accepted that plan and i greatfully eat my fill of tacos and pozole. I think there is a lot of beauty in the little things. like, to think of all the work that had to go into my tortilla, some farmer had to work dang hard to grow that corn and some workers had to process it into flour and then dough and then some one has to deliver the corn to the tortillaria so they can put it in their machine and make beautiful tortillas, then some hermana walks to the tortillaria and buys a kilo with the pesos she earned selling recycled notebooks. And God consecrates all this hard work for his missionaries.

back to the future and pizza
Elder meade is my companion and he is a cool guy. This week we had a meal appointment that fell through so they gave us money and we went and bought pizza, and we sat down to eat and elder meade asked me if i had ever seen back to the future, i told him it had been a long time and i really don´t remember anything, and he was astonished because he loves those movies. For the next hour or so he proceeded to tell me in great detail the plots of all three back to the future movies, he was great, he even did voices and everything. haha it was good to have a chill moment like that
my picture book
maybe this isn´t that meaningful, but i´m pretty excited about it. I´m discovering the power of visual aids, the effectiveness varies, but on some people it´s so dang efective haha
I have this sweet picture book, and i´ve used it sometimes in my mission, but for whatever reason this week i really saw how useful it was. Especially on people with less education. 
An example, We found this family and the son is like an ex gangster, like really lived a bad life, he has almost died in like 5 different ways, his mom has so much dang faith and they have really seen miracles. He lived for 6 months or so with his stomach open, like without the doctors closing him back up, he told us at one point he was in the hospital and he was so so thristy, like to the point of death and he was begging his mom to take a sponge and drop water into his mouth, but because his digestion was so messed up it would kill him if he drank any thing, also at one point he had a hit on him, his stomach is still ruptured and he has a plastic bag attached to his colon, he can´t poop the normal way, he just replaces his bag when it gets full. He is really a sweet guy, he says that his life now, where he can barely walk and he can´t shower by himself, and he is as thin as death he is happier that he ever was when he had it all as a ganster.
Anyway! he is really sweet but he has a really short attention span, and one day when we are explaining the book of mormon i take out my book and start looking for a picture to explain something, and elder meade is in the middle of explaining where the book of mormon comes from and the investigator turns a full 180 degrees, and sees my book, and says, "woah, that´s pretty cool man. That´s a cool book." The picture book stole the show haha and i didn´t even have to say anything.
 New Planner


Cool Art Work Planner

quick miracle
well without too much detail, we found on of our investigators in a bad spot, and his wife told us "man that punk is out there right now and he is with his friends and he is going to drink and everything is over, he made so much progress but now he ruined it all and everything will go back to the way it was before and our marriage will fall apart and i´m not even going to try anymore, i´m so tired of this always happening" and it was just super negitave, and i told that woman "woman, have faith" and elder meade looked at me and he was like, "let´s go" and i was like "yeah dude" and we went and found that party and pulled our investigator aside and talked to him, he said that he hadn´t drunk yet and he was really suprised to see us. later he told us that that day was a key trial and that he had barely made it through without drinking. I don´t know everything, but i do know that faith is a real power. It is so easy to see in the diference between the attitude of that lady and the attitude of elder meade, she gave up, and elder meade acted. That is faith, the power to act. And there is no better foundation for faith than Jesus Christ, I know that if we move forward and look toward him, things will work out according to his will. 
That is something i´ve learned about this week, is the freedom and happiness that comes from loving God enough to want his will more than mine. We can´t have faith in God if we want our own will more than His, our hope and faith will be placed in something false, no sirve, it won´t be the living God of Isreal, but an imaginary God who accepts whatever we do and gives us whatever we want. 

Here´s some funny pictures of elder villatoro, my old comp. haha 

also my new agenda and my old one, i wanted to show you guys the old one because i´m proud of it. Sarah Grilliot sent me these cute little drawings and i put them on my agenda so that for six weeks everywhere i went mexicans would ask me "what´s that on your agenda?" and i could tell them, "yeah my little sister did that"

Any way love ya guys
Elder Grilliomom


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