this week two funny things happened. i´ll tell yall bout it. 

we met a taxi driver who worships the mormon temple in saltlake. Like he told us about how some misisonaries gave him a photo of the saltlake temple and he thought it was really pretty and so he kept it in his taxi and he would pray to it and ask it for blessings. I´ve seen a lot of mormon things made into idols by some well meaning catholics actually. Alot of del parson paintings get worshiped, and even the pass along cards and folletos that we give out. goofy.

Also we were in a lesson with a kid named bryan. and byan is like 15 years old and hey he went to church yesterday! but anyway, we went to his house on satudray, and the lesson lasted more than 30 minutes, and at the end of the lesson we were talking to him and i saw a photo that he had of a dog, and i asked him about it and he said "yeah that´s our old dog, she passed away a few years ago. we got a new one. and he died too. he´s actually right out there" and he pointed to his like porch garden space. and i understood that he had buried his dog out there. and he was so calm about it. and we said goodbye and he walked us to the door and he said "oh hey yep, there´s my dead dog" and i looked down, and there was a tiny little dead dog on the ground. and i was like "oh my gosh.. how long ago did he die?" and with out any emotion he told me "about 30 minutes ago." and i was like, "waaahhh??" what do i say to this kid. "i´m so sorry" and he just shruggs and says "meh, don´t worry about it." and it just seemed like such a weird way to react to your dog dying. welcome to mexico folks.

hey i gotta go but i might send more stuff later


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