hey yall happy mothers day

well yesterday i talked with my whole family for mother’s day and it was really wonderful. Something really fun that i get to do in the phone calls is bear my testimony to my family. It makes me feel great. Yesterday after the video call i felt really awesome. it really inspired me to be a better me and a better missionary.
mmm about our area and what we did this week i don`t have that much to say.
let me think...

general feels about this area and my comp
Elder Esparza is a wonderful guy. Really meek and good natured. He also has a great sense of humor, probably the closest to mine than any other missionary that I’ve served with.
Madero is a great area, i think we can have a lot of success here. Right now we hardly have anything but  i think if we try hard we can make it happen.

covenant  power
this week i have also been thinking about the power of the covenant that we have with Jesus Christ. Well all you baptized fools know what i`m talking about. Well our part of the covenant is to offer Jesus Christ our hearts, broken and contrite. He has told us the way to do that in the sacrament prayer, "to be willing to keep his commandments, take his name upon us, and always remember him" And only when we do that can he touch our hearts and change us and make us what he wants us to be. He will turn all of our weaknesses into strengths, and all of our trials into blessings.

love you guys.
Elder Grilliot

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