Ladies and Gentleman the Todd Grilliot Show

I got so sick.
 i´m sick right now actually. saturday night after priesthood session of general conference we bought food and elder parra took a bite or two of his hamburger and he was like "mmm, i don´t really feel good about this, elder grilliot do you want my hamburger?" and i was like "heck yeah chump" and i shoveled that thing into my mouth. that night and sundaymorning i was throwing up all the ways. i threw up 6 or 7 times. actually, if i think about it, i don´t think i have ever in my life thrown up so much. I threw up until there was nothing left and i was dry heaving, and then my stomach would refill with a little bit of stomach juices and i threw that up too. Right now i feel a lot better but i´m still recovering, i feel pretty weak and i don´t have much of an appitite. Elder Parra doesn´t feel that good either, but he didn´t throw up. When i first got sick elder parra was so wonderful at playing mom and taking care of me,but now that he is feeling sick too he is still my mom but now he is my grumpy mom. He was really determined to get me to take a cold shower, and i told him i didn´t think it would help and he bore his testimony of how one time a cold shower saved him from going to the hospital. he got grumpy because I still didn´t take a cold shower. 

general conference
this is when we listen to the living apostles and prophets, they give talks and they are really good.
i loved the first 3 sessions of general conference, i didn´t see the sunday sessions because of being so sick. but man i remember feeling super empowered and hyped up to improve. The main things that i took out of conference were that:
  • i should lift, inspire, help, and heal everyone that i touch, even if they won´t accept our message
  • I should be more positive. i should talk well of everyone and everything and focus on the good. As part of that i should make it a habit to give sincere compliments. President Nelson is really good at that.
  • The power of the preisthood is based on our personal righteousness and that includes obedience.
  • Meekness! i really loved elder bednar´s talk on meekness and i want to study that a lot these six months and really develop that attribute. Like it says in moroni 7:44 "for none is acceptable before God save the meek and lowly in heart"
it is amazing how much God can teach us if we are listening!

This week we don´t have hot water. it´s tough to take cold showers in the mornings and i miss hot showers a lot. they are one of my favorite things. It´s not that we don´t have the boiler but for whatever reason very little wayre comes out, elder zamora told me that this has happened before. this week i turned on the boiler and showered myself with nothing more that a single drop of warm water, the unbelieving will scoff but i tell you that it is true. i showered myself with a single drop of warm water.

In torreon it is hot right now, but the real hard part is the sun. the sun is so strong, it´s powerful, i don´t know how to describe it in english, in mexico i just say "el sol es fuerte" and everyone knows exaclty what i´m talking about. but like, in torreon the sun is really strong. I have always thought of the sun as the source of warmth and life but here in torreon the sun kills things. When it touches you you go, oh no get me out of the sun. Also another really interesting thing is that in the winter, even though it is cold outside the sun still burns. it is possible to feel like the sun is cooking you when it is 45 degrees outside, it´s a really weird sensation. 

okkkkay i love all of you
Elder Grilliot


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