Big Email from Elder Grilliot in Torreon Mexico

Sup homies, here is a recap
I am serving in Torreon Mexico, Senderos, it is a very large area, with really fancey subdivisions and really ghetto ranchos.
My companion right now is elder Parra, he is from bolivia.

Man i didn´t take any notes on my week. I´ll just talk about how i´m doing in the general sence. the work has been going well, but i feel a little dissapointed in how i´m doing. I´ve just been feeling out of it this week. And i know my comp needs me to be on top of things and feeling right, the members and investigators also need me to be on top of it.
Let me talk about spanish. This week i could see how when i have a good spanish study to start the day, my spanish is better all day. Some days i have good spanish days and some days i have bad spanish days. Whenever the spirit is strong, i speak better. Its also a good way to measure how well my brain is funcioning that day. Somedays i´m just not on, somedays i am.
This week i was listening to the "moises prince of egypt" soundtrack and i thought, man, this is a cool story, i´m going to read exodus, so in my downtime i´ve been reading the book of exodus and it is really wild. God showed so many obvious miracles to the people of israel, but they still didn´t have faith in him. It makes me undertand better how faith doesn´t come from miracles and signs, and seeing signs doesn´t nesesarily mean that you will trust God.

Elder Grilliot


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