October 9

This was my first week in my new area, centenario, elder gomez is my comp for another week and then he is going home to guatamala. 
Our area is really big, which for me is cool, i like the change, because my last area nazas, was really small and i knew it all really well. It feels really refreshing to have a new area, i have a buch of new friends to make and people who don´t know me but are excited to know me. There is a great big hill in the middle of our area, and we climbed it one night as we were walking home and we could see all of gomez and it was really beautiful. It gave me perspective on how big the city really is. Also it`s starting to cool off a bit, it`s still hot all the time, but it`s not like painfully hot, i`m excited for january. haha
Elder Gomez is really wonderful, he is spontaneous and excited and 
likes to talk. He plays the uke and treats everyone like family.

the boiler
This week Elder Gomez showed me how to light the boiler, we have hot water which is amazing, but we have to go outside and use a match to light this little gas stove that heats our water. Well the next day i wake up and before excercising, i go to light the boiler, and i am kind of toying around with it, figuring stuff out, and i manage to light the pilot light but then it went out, so i figured that it needed more gas, so i went ahead and turned the dial all the way up, and i struck the match, now just a side note, the stove is a little box with a metal door thats about level with the ground, so i`m sitting on the ground, leaning forward so that i can see inside this little box to light the pilot light, and i stick my arm inside and BOOM! a ball of fire shot out, it happened really fast, and almost engulfed my face haha, my face is fine. but i lost some of my arm hair, and got some good burns on my hand. I was really startled. But it`s all fine now, the same night my hand felt fine, haha but what a time... i still light the boiler every morning, but i`m secretly a little afraid everytime, the boiler demands respect. 

love love and more love. when you drink hot coacoa think of me eating an ice cream cone.

Elder "big toe" Biggle


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