
Showing posts from April, 2019

I've been home now almost a week

hey yall, i love you and think you are the best. Last thursday on the 4th i got home from the mission. When i got off the airplane and came through the gate and saw my family it was sooo sooo surreal. the whole experience was ultra surreal. like, i felt like i was watching a movie of me getting off the airplane. Everyone was hugging me and crying and i was like "whaaat where am i??" afterwards we went to president Johnson's house and we had a short talk about goals and retaining good mission habits, and then all of a sudden he looks at me very seriously and says "Elder Grilliot, I am officially relieving you from your service as a full time missionary, please remove your name tags." and i took them off. very very very surreal. That is the best word for it all, surreal. Now i'm home in Illinois with my family that i love and i've been able to see my friends from high school and it's been a good time. Coming home from the mission was not what i expe...

i'm going home

wow i love all of you.  i'm here in the offices of the mission. on thursday my flight is scheduled and i should arrive at about 8 o clock at night in the bloomington airport. me and another elder that is going home have a few days left here to say goodbye to the people of torreon. it has been two years already. i remember all of it. i worked hard serving the lord for two years. it's been hard honestly, and very rewarding. every mission is different, and every missionary is different. i've learned to be much more humble in mexico, and much more understanding. I know that God answers prayers. i know that we can trust in him. i'm not sure how to feel honestly. i'm excited to go home but at the same time i feel a little stressed about saying goodbye and everything.  i'm stoked to see all the people who love me in america. i love my country with all my young boy heart. remember me