week 4 transfer 10, elder grillions in the mexico internet cafe
hey kiddos this week we did a rad zone activity. it took up a loot of time, like 3 hours every morning. we just practiced singing. i really liked the activity, but it basically took the place of studies and i´m really happy it´s over. We performed in 4 wards this sunday, and then we asked for refrences from all the members and we got a toooon of references. in our ward we got 182 names of people that we might be able to visit. we have to go and visit the memebrs and make plans with them to contact them. but man we got a mountain of references. but i did feel kind of uneffective this week. or really these three weeks in durango i feel like we haven´t made a lot of progress. but i know that God is in charge and he will bless us for our efforts. Hey, trust God. think about how wonderful he has been with all of us. read about the great things he has done for our fathers and freinds in the scriptures. man he is a tender father. He only gives good gifts. He is perfect, he loves ...