
Showing posts from August, 2017

Cereal Story and Picture of Richard's baptism

From the deepest part of my heart, i would like to welcome you to my weekly email and congradulate you on being cool enough to make the cut. here´s a fun fact that i learned here in mexico, phil collins speaks fluent spanish and everyone of his songs from the tarzan soundtrack has been translated and recorded in spanish, it´s pretty cool. phil collins is the man.  This week I went to eat some cereal, it was nesquick cereal, that stuff is the bomb by the way, i thought it would be way sugary, but really i feel great eating it, i feel fit and healthy, but i am eating too much here in mexico, if i don´t change my eatign habits, i´m going to gain a lot of weight here, a lot of the time i eat in response to stress, and missions can be stressful.  So i take my box of cereal and i realize that our bowl is in the sink, (me and elder calderón have one bowl that we share between us, it is a sacred trust between brothers, to share a bowl.) well i take the bowl and i start to wash it,

Pictures of our District and Amazing Baptism

Our District 6-17 to 8-21  This is the District!  Wonderful People  This handsome guy is elder Higgings!!  Elder Higgings and I on P-day  Our backyard clothes washing area!  Ordering Pizza outside our house with Elder Calderon and a member. We had a baptism, the family in the last picture is really important to me, really amazing people!! Baptism with Elder Calderon

Pictures from MMTC


August 7th, 2017

what is up? so much happened this week temple trip k we went to the temple this week but i want to start the story a little before that, there is too much to say. First we got a call from a family in the ward this week, friday, they said that they had some problems and we went over and they told us about how they had gotten into a really bad fight with their neighbors over the garbage and it was really ugly, they asked for blessings because they were all beat up a bit, they hadn´t started the fight. they asked for blessings and we gave them blessings and then they drove us home and it started pouring rain, like alot, it never rains here, and when i got out of the car my scriptures fell in a puddle and got wet and all of my flashcards fell out of my pocket into the water and i gathered everything together and i was pretty upset, but we needed to go go go to get ready for the temple, and so i ran to get everything together and my clothes that i had laid out to dry outside were s

July 31st, 2017

This was a good week. one of the better weeks of my mission i would say. highlights We had intercambios with the district leader on friday, I went with Elder Higgins to his area and i learned a ton man. that guys is a rockstar, Also i felt great after being with him for a day. Something small that i learned from him, just by example, is that my prayers are way more sincere and meaningful if i give them like a thesis statment, like "dear heavenly father, we are here in the house of hermana wood to enjoy a great meal and bless her home with the spirit" and then after that the rest of the prayer is way more sincere and thoughtful. I also got to eat hamburgers with the assistants this saturday, we had an investigator that we were trying to bring to see a baptism but in the end she couldn´t make it, we were bummed but we ended the day with the assistants because their area is right next to ours, and it was way chill and a good time. Richard The guy with one leg, th

July 24th, 2017

Hey what is up people. i´m gonna write a fat email and you´re all gonna read it. something cute We eat with members every day except for monday, and then on mondays we sometimes have members ask if we will eat with them. The members here are amazing, I feel like they really treat me too well, i´m a red cheeked foreigner who can´t understand them very well and they treat me like a prince. Like really I don´t think i have ever set foot in the church building without someone offering me food haha, I really feel the words of the lord when he told his disciples not to take thought for purse or script or food. I feel supported by the hand of the lord in mexico, and His hand is the members right now. So we were eating with a member and afterwards I was showing some of her little kids the stuff in my backpack, and I have a little pocket sized Book of Mormon in English, and I´m not sure why, but the kids dig it. They are fascinated by it. They are all like "wow! can you read tha

July 17th, 2017

Hey guys i gotta a lot of junk to say and i´m gonna do it all in under 30 minutes so i can respond to people. vamanos! Richard yeah so i said i would talk about this guy. "Richard" is our investigator that we baptized last week. His real name is fetching mexican as heck this guy is a boss. I think it was my very first day in the field that i met, him and i didn´t realize that he was an investigator and my comp didn´t tell me anything. haha So we are walking down a Street talking with people and doing missionary type stuff and then i see this guy sitting outside, on his porch, he sells chips and ice cream and stuff, and this guy is Reading a book, and i´m like wow hey neat, and then my comp goes and shakes his hand and we sit down with him and i realize that he´s Reading the Book of Mormon, and i´m like oh what, and my comp is like, "so how is the Reading going?" and he´s like, "yeah i´m in 2nd Nephi" and my comp is like "so do you have a te

July 10th, 2017

that makes 12 weeks in total i´m pretty sure.  Templo! Me and my companion are going to have the opportunity to go to the temple next month!!! A family that he baptized are going to be seal in the monterrey temple august 4th! and we get to go and participate in the ordinance, i´m super grateful for that. I can feel that it is really a tender mercy. They told me that in this mission i pretty much would never get to go to the temple. because it´s pretty far away. a lot of the members are really hoping that they will announce a Torreón temple sometime soon, that would be really cool. but i´m just stoked to get to go.  Mexico Mexicans really are an elect people, spiritual truths are clearer in this country. It is easy to see, for example, how key the family is to our happiness, Mexicans are very family centered, and it makes them happier.  And I don´t know if it´s because i´m white, but when people talk politics they always talk about trump. I know a lot more about how mex


k there is so much i have to say and i know i´m not going to get to it all. I apologize for typos, i´m going to try to type fast. Tamales I had my first tamales from mexico and they are the best. seriously one of my favorite foods, they tell me that christmas is tamale season so watch out haha. food here is awesome it is true. haha but really it´s incredible and super fresh, i always feel healthy and full, like eating a baked potato, it´s just gosh dang wholesome. Still, sometimes i just want a big fat messy burger or a pizza. oh also i eat a lot of sugar in mexico, like i think it´s because i am a missionary and members buy us a lot of sweets. oh hey there is an ice cream place that is freakinhg legit, food is cheap here in mexico, like eating out is cheap, groceries are about the same, but we can buy a FAT ice cream cone, like almost as wide as my head, for 15 pesos, which is like 80 cents. frreaking legit my man. The Ward The first sacrament meeting that i went to i

June 19th, 2017 AN INVESTIGATOR

This week has gone by pretty quicky. Some awesome stuff is happeninging here in good ol nazas. Gomez palaciooo My comp got sick yeah he got the throat sicks. He is a gosh dang chanmpion though and we kept working, but i could tell that it´s been a rough week for him. On thuuurrsday? we went downtown and got some medicine. The doctor lady was really friendly! my comp baught some shots, like needles and stuff. And we found a member who was willing to do the deed haha, she is a retired nurse so she knows her stuff, but it´s still a little weird to get a shot in someone´s living room. Mexico my man.  Meetings This week we had twooo big fat meetings. One with our president on tuesday, he said goodbye to everyone and taught about inspired questions and the conversion process. And on wednesday as a zone. But get this, I have no idea how this happened, but literally our zone meeting lasted seven hours. It was fun and cool and i learned a lot, but i don´t know how it took so much


Holy cow mi amigos. This has been wild. The Last week in the CCM We had three general authorities teach us in one week. Elder Renlund on tuesday, Tad R Callister on Wednesday, and Bishop Davies on Sunday. My favorite speaker was Bishop Davies because he was kind of a loose cannon and I really enjoyed his spirit. haha he was really excited to teach us. That beautiful parrot really quick. A parrot flew into our class room this week at the ccm. I saw it happen. I am a witness. It was the cutest dang parrot. like nobody can understand. It was really derpy and it kept waddling around and flying into things and falling over. It waddled on my shoe and it waddled on Elder Curran´s scriptures while he was studying. freaking cute. You better believe we wrapped that beautiful parrot in a blanket and threw him out the window. I accidentally gave away my english hymnal it was a present from my brother. Scott, I´m sorry about this. We were at the airport with my generation all r